Mallory and John Luke Middleton of Lady and The Techie

Hi, we're Mallory & John

You know how they say, “opposites attract”? Well, that’s us! The Lady (Mallory) is all about hospitality and lifestyle tidbits while The Techie (John) finds solutions to tech problems you didn’t even know you had. We are both local adventurers (based in NC!), travelers, and always have a home project in the works.

Meet The Couple

Welcome to Lady & The Techie! We started this blog to document our latest adventures of life together. Together, we lean on each other’s strengths and interests to live a fun and functional lifestyle.

We hope you can pick up a tip or two from things we learn along the way and that you’ll share your expertise with us as well!

Get to Know More About Us

#1 How long have you two been together?

Since 2011

#4 Do you have any kids?

Yes! You may have noticed the adorable tater tot of a baby girl on our homepage; that's our daughter, Naomi. We also have a rescue fur baby, Quorra.

#2 What are your day jobs?

Mallory is a Digital Marketing Manager & John is a Cloud Engineer.

#5 Where are you from?

John is from Raleigh, North Carolina and Mallory is from a small town in the western North Carolina Mountains.

#3 How did you two meet?

In college at Appalachian State University (Go Mountaineers!). He was the president of the on-campus club "Association for Information Technology Professionals" (AITP) and Mallory went to the club meetings for the free pizza and she heard there was an annual Vegas trip. She stayed for the cute president and the rest is history...

#6 Where do you live now?

We live in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina.

Have questions or ideas on how we can collaborate?